
From November 8-9, 2016 a technical briefings for guidelines of internal quality assurance system was held at  IT Del with the main agenda “socialization”. Also present  were Dharma Agung University, Medan Institute of Technology, University of Simalungun, Nommensen, Unita, Methodis, Polytechnic of Bisnis Indonesia of P. Siantar, etc.
Among the programs conducted in the 2 day program included:
1. Program and Policy For Internal Quality Assurance System in the Directorate of Quality Assurance
2. National Policy of  Dikti’s  Quality Assurance System
3. National Policy of Internal Quality Assurance System
4. Standard For National Higher Education
Each university representative attending the event joined the training for making Follow-Up Plan (RTL) then presented theirs at the end of the session.