Students should have their perspectives on global industries broaden and strengthened through sharing sessions on technology, trends, and latest issues in addition to classroom studying. In that relation, Institut Teknologi Del (IT Del) always facilitate such need by inviting practical experts in industries to Sitoluama, where IT Del is run.

From November 1-2, 2016 IT Del invited the best two IT experts to share best practices with  students of Diploma 3 & Diploma 4 Informatics Engineering, Bachelor program of Informatics Engineering and Bachelor program of Information System who were taking these courses:
• MRS3180-Technopreneurship
• IF441417-Enterprenuership

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• IF441416-Design Thinking
• IF331417/IF431417-Creativity and Innovation
• IE331316/IF441311-Final Assignment I

Anggriawan Sugianto (CTO/COO Suitmedia) and Hasanul Hakim (Head of Mobile Division Bukalapak) would give a general lecture and workshop at IT Del for 2 days. The lecture would be held on the 1st of November 2016 in 2 sessions. “Business Development” by Anggriawan focused on the discussion about product development, customer development, business model canvas, competitive positioning, customer relationship, all of those were 4P of business. That session was very attractive because students studying Technopreneurship and Enterprenuership had done business model canvas and business plan for their project. They asked many questions on the development of their project (building a simple business) and also the best practice on Suitmedia.

The second session titled “The key ingredients to build high quality apps (Mobile Apps Development in Bukalapak)” by Hasan was about the sharing of 6 Key Ingredients HQ Apps and the best practice on mobile apps division on Bukalapak. Not only did it limit to application development, but the questions asked by the students also covered application security. At the end of general lecture session, Anggriawan and Hasan shared merchandise to 3 students who had asked in the question-to-answer session.

In conclusion, Hasan gave a message that IT Del students, as the young boys had to be ambitious, for their ages right now were at the golden stage to be prolific. Meanwhile, Anggriawan advised that students should be going to build a 1000 friend network after graduating, which meant students should extend their friend network and friendship because we never had no idea who was going to help us one day. So, just like the technopreneurship and entrepreneurship motto, “peace, love and friendship” 😉