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On Friday, August 5th, 2016,  six professors from some universities in the USA visited Institut Teknologi Del (IT Del) campus. They visited IT Del to share their experience and their own field of knowledge.

The six professors were:

  • Herry and Ida Utomo
  • Irawan Satriotomo
  • Ivan Stevano
  • Nikin Astari
  • Danny Wulandani

The six professors were experts in their own field. Three of them were experts in biotechnology, 2 in mechanical engineers, and 1 in linguist. IT Del academicians, of course, did not want to miss such a chance to expand their knowledge and experience. After a welcome meeting, the six professors took time to meet IT Del students who were being at campus, including those from Tolikara, Papua.

After a meeting with students, the six professors met lecturers from study programs and related knowledge clusters. They were divided into 3 separate rooms, biotechnology, engineering and linguistic. The lecturers in the Knowledge Cluster used the discussion with those professors to broaden their knowledge.