On Wednesday, 9th of August 2017 a meeting with teachers and headmasters of junior high schools, senior high schools and senior vocational schools was held in an attempt to improve the quality of education in Toba Samosir. Opened with a prayer, the event was initiated with a presentation from Drs. Lalo Hartono Simanjuntak  M.Si , as the Expert Staff in Education, Health, Infrastructure and People Empowerment, who depicted the background and objectives of improving the quality of education in Tobasa. He said among the reasons for the attempt to education’s quality improvement was the fact that the quality rank of Toba Samosir’s education has declined from rank 20 to 25 of 33 regencies/towns. Apart from the problem, there are other few problems considered necessary among other components assessing the quality of education in Toba Samosir, such as low rate of junior high school students able to be accepted at highly qualified senior high schools not to mention teachers’ low human resources quality in Toba Samosir, and etc. In order to increase the quality of education in Tobasa, Mr. Lalo elaborated the strategy taken next to improve the quality of education in Toba Samosir, which is Cluster-based Resource Sharing system.


Having heard Mr. Lalo’s presenting the problem that might influence the quality of education in Toba Samosir, the Rector of IT Del  Prof.Ir. Togar M. Simatupang, M. Tech., Ph.D  was the next speaker who briefed some directions continued with a presentation from Roy Dedi Lumbantobing S.T, M.ICT  about an application which would assist teachers in Toba Samosir in their works as teachers by Teaching Application (Teachers’ Teaching Network). Next, the application is going to be available at Smartphone where data on teachers’ and students’ activities will be made available, like student attendance lists and student grade lists later accessible by smartphone.


We’re looking forward to the applications offered by IT Del can be helpful in improving the quality of education in Toba Samosir Regency.


