A meeting between IT Del and Government of North Tapanuli was already held at IT Del. The meeting, attended by some staff from Bappeda and North Tapanuli’s government office for Communications and Information welcomed by a team from IT Del’s LPPM, focused on a discussion to continue developing e-Martahi application already producing a technical assistance report entitled “Action Plan For North Tapanuli’s Integrated Corruption Eradication Program”.

The application was developed so that all activities in the government of North Tapanuli would be monitor able from the planning stage through the implementation by the use of application.

Hopefully, the collaboration between IT Del as the service provider and the government of North Tapanuli regency can increase work efficiency and effect on the local government. Therefore, at last, a government free from any possibilities for corruptions, collusions and nepotisms is going to be created.


Pertemuan IT Del dengan Pemerintahan Kab Taput